This blog is intended to focus on the people affected by paranormal activity and metaphysical phenomena. Of course, a scientific approach is necessary by all means, but often researchers become so enveloped in the science that they forgot about the people living in these experiences and how their lives are impacted, which is the focus of this blog. I intend to present a down-to-earth, common sense, approach to metaphysical phenomena and provide a reference site for those researching it.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Frank accepts the Ice Bucket Challenge for the ALS Association
Here you see our director / lead investigator, Frank Lee, taking on the Ice Bucket Challenge. Who does he nominate to be up next for the challenge? You'll have to watch to see!
Be sure to tune in to Paranormalities & Ponderings featuring medium, paranormal researcher, and educator, Blaine Rohan Tues August 26, 2014 @ 8pm CST!
Join us with host Frank Lee from the C.A.S.P.I.R. Paranormal Team, as we talk with Blaine Rohan, an extremely knowledgeable spirit medium and paranormal researcher since 1984. Blaine has been seeing and hearing spirits since the age of 4. He feels that his life's mission is to help others at no cost. He does a fantastic job at removing unwanted spirits from homes and can provide details/insight into places his team investigates that their equipment cannot. He is an educator, speaker, and mentor in the paranormal community and co-hosts The Scare Show. By day, he is an A+ certified computer technician.
Blaine is a member of Spirit Communications and Research - S.C.A.R.E.and his team describes his role and assistance with their cases as invaluable. He strongly promotes educating the general public about paranormal phenomena and the way paranormal teams truly operate vs what is seen on television. Blain also stands for paranormal investigators educating themselves to better serve their clients. Even though he has abilities as a spirit medium, his mindset is grounded in science and he believes in using a common sense approach to investigations.
This will be a great, information-packed show! Don't miss out and we'll see you there!
Blaine is a member of Spirit Communications and Research - S.C.A.R.E.and his team describes his role and assistance with their cases as invaluable. He strongly promotes educating the general public about paranormal phenomena and the way paranormal teams truly operate vs what is seen on television. Blain also stands for paranormal investigators educating themselves to better serve their clients. Even though he has abilities as a spirit medium, his mindset is grounded in science and he believes in using a common sense approach to investigations.
This will be a great, information-packed show! Don't miss out and we'll see you there!
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Monday, August 18, 2014
Dont miss out on Paranormalities & Ponderings with the C.A.S.P.I.R. Paranormal Team hosted by Frank Lee!
Want to HEAR more from the C.A.S.P.I.R. Paranormal Team? Then tune into our internet radio show, Paranormalities & Ponderings! This show will be a fun, yet informative weekly program that paranormal investigators or enthusiasts can enjoy. Paranormalities & Ponderings will be aired every Tuesday at 6pm PST / 8pm CST so be sure to join us!
You can listen to the show and there's even a chat available if you'd like to chat with other listeners!
You can listen to the show and there's even a chat available if you'd like to chat with other listeners!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Psychological Factor In Short?
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
- HENRI BERGSON, French Philosopher and Educator
Not only is this true at face value, but also think a little deeper. Could this be the very explanation for why some individuals seem to have greater levels of perception and ability to sense, see, or hear spirits than others? Think of how few reports of an apparition involve seeing it directly and continuously vs the typical flitting glimpse or peripheral sighting and the apparition disappears almost immediately. This leads us to a question: Does the apparition actually disappear is it still there but being blocked by a psychosomatic block that automatically starts to filter things from our perception that the mind isn't prepared to comprehend? Think of the way the raw data received from the eye is transmitted to the brain as an upside down image and then instantaneously inverted automatically to the proper orientation. If the mind can literally "flip our world upside" in an instant without us even realizing it, could it not also have the ability to block out an entity or energy that it perceives but does not comprehend because the data can not be processed instantaneously?
Does this explain why children in their impressionable and open minded state seem to be able to see spirits that teens and adults can't? Think of how many reports of paranormal activity begin with children seeing apparitions that adults or teens in the home can't. At infancy, a child's brain hasn't developed many of the complex thought processes and it relies mostly on instinct. As the child nears adolescence it has developed the ability to process more complex thoughts and relies more on logic from what it has learned. As the as the child enters late adolescence and early adulthood the thought process leans heavily toward logical thought and relies little on instinct in comparison.
Similarly, from historical case studies in paranormal accounts it appears that the younger a child is, the more likely they are to report being able to see or hear apparition/entity. As a child gets older it seems to become less likely for them to report seeing an apparition. In many paranormal case studies involving a home with children of varying ages, the younger children will almost always report seeing and/or hearing more activity than the older children, and the older children more than the adults. Coincidence? There are too many similarities among too many cases to support this being mere coincidence.
Obviously we are left with more questions than answers at this point due to the fact that paranormal activity is unpredictable and can't be studied in a controlled environment. Therefore with current scientific and technological understanding we are not able to truly study how the brain reacts to paranormal activity other than looking to case studies and attempting to put the pieces together. Hopefully advances in the medical and paranormal fields will soon bridge the gap of our current understanding.
What are your thoughts?
Frank Lee,
ghost hunt,
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
How do intelligent hauntings react to a changing environment over time?
While talking this week with a friend who is no stranger to paranormal activity, she brought up an excellent question that I had never considered. As we were talking about residential hauntings she asked "How do you think spirits react to things we have now that they didn't have when they were living?" My only answer was "I've never thought about it before but that is an excellent question!"
How do you think human spirits in the case of an intelligent haunting react to new technology that didn't exist when they were alive? Imagine if you lived(and died) during the 19th century. Would you comprehend the modern things in your surroundings that we take for granted? A prime example of this question that she mentioned is if they understand what a television is. Think of all of the things that wouldn't have existed if you were alive during that time. Your TV, phones, computers, air conditioning, cars, microwave, medical devices, etc... the list could go on continuously of things that could possibly seem foreign or outright alien under those circumstances if you didn't understand the technology.
How do you think human spirits in the case of an intelligent haunting react to new technology that didn't exist when they were alive? Imagine if you lived(and died) during the 19th century. Would you comprehend the modern things in your surroundings that we take for granted? A prime example of this question that she mentioned is if they understand what a television is. Think of all of the things that wouldn't have existed if you were alive during that time. Your TV, phones, computers, air conditioning, cars, microwave, medical devices, etc... the list could go on continuously of things that could possibly seem foreign or outright alien under those circumstances if you didn't understand the technology.
So with this seed of thought planted, what do you think?
Frank Lee,
ghost hunt,
new inventions,
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